
2023年8月23日〜8月28日 Lee jinjoo solo exhibition

Lee jinjoo solo exhibition

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2023/ 8/23(水)〜 8/28(月)

Feelings become water, ride the stem of emotions, and become a tree. Emotion is the ‘Xylem’ through which I am formed.
I constantly stitch, empty while filling. The act naturally allows me to create my own solid form. I hope that my art-work like this will be conveyed to the viewer as my emotion. That's how I want their emotions to be included.

email :kk02pearly@naver.com
Instargram: @bona.jj
#textile art #threads #floral #artist #exhibition #emotion # art work

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posted by イロリムラ irorimura at 00:00| 2023年8月